
Common Mistakes Tattoo Beginners Make in Works

When new tattoo artists first start out, they face many challenges. If you don’t want your client to get angry and slam the door in your face just as you start your tattoo business, you’d better know what you’re doing. We’ve compiled a list of five of the most common mistakes new tattoo artists make, and you’ve probably been in these situations...

5 Signs of Tattoo Infectionface

Tattoos are an increasingly common sight. About two-fifths of Americans now have one or more tattoos. The popularity of tattoos may make people feel that tattoos are not so risky, but just a special way to express themselves in life. However, tattooing does in fact carry some risks: Inserting an ink-stained needle into your skin could introduce a foreign object or infection...

4 Tips of Choosing the Right Tattoo Machine for Beginners

The tattoo machine is the important tool for the tattoo artist. Its quality and performance directly affect the success or failure of the tattoo. But as a novice, if you are interested in tattooing but a little confused when choosing a tattoo machine, this article will introduce some aspects that novices should pay attention to when choosing a tattoo machine. Types and functions of...

Color Packing Tattoo Guide

Color pack tattooing is also known as the paintbrush technique. It can be understood more clearly in the picture below and refers to the process of inserting pigments into the skin so that the ink is saturated in the surface area so that no negative space shows up. It is mainly used for color packing and smooth blending. These techniques can be...

What does the Medusa tattoo mean to women?

What does Medusa tattoo mean to women? Recently many of my friends and clients have been trying out new tattoos and they have asked me about the meaning of many different tattoos. The Medusa tattoo caught my interest, and it seems that many people associate this tattoo with feminism. I spent some time learning about Medusa’s image and found some interesting stories. History of...

Top 4 Secret Ways to Prevent Tattoo from Fading

Today we wanna tell you why your tattoos are fading and how to prevent future tattoos from fading before you move on. There are many factors that can cause your tattoo to fade. We cannot control the fact that our body ages every day well,  we can’t slow down the process by taking care of ourselves. It’s the exact same thing with...

Pros and Cons of wireless tattoo machine

Wireless tattoo machines have become increasingly popular in recent years due to advancements in technology and the desire for convenience and portability. While there are advantages to using wireless tattoo machines over traditional machines, there are also some drawbacks that should be considered. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of wireless tattoo machines to help you determine if...